I'm back from my work trip and taking a day to relax, then tomorrow I'll dig back in to this project. In the meantime, here are some pics.
This test looks a bit off, but I think it's from a bad window seal on the driver side window. The noise the seal make is much more noticeable now than it was before. I now have the parts to fix this and re run this test.
Here is the passenger door covered in FatMat
Here is the back with a layer of Fatmat and 1/4" thick polyfill matting
I used this glue to attach the polyfill matting to the FatMat
Here is the MLV going in on top of the foam. I have some clips to add to the top of each side so it doesn't fold down.
I didn't get a photo of the foam on top of the MLV, but this will give you an idea of what I used. If I were to do it again, I'd seek out some 1/2" instead of the 1" stuff I used. It is just resting on the MLV, and only on the floors. Once I build my new side panels I'll stuff all the extra space with a similar foam.
Due to the thickness of the foam the carpet didn't go in super smoothly, however I was able to make it look good from the front seats. Here you can see the seats and belt puling at the carpet.
I had to make a spacer to bring the throttle pedal away from the firewall so I could actually push it again. I'm gonna have to build something similar for the shift boot so it fits and looks better. With the new carpet, the rest of the interior looks sooo worn! But don't worry, it was on the list to begin with
I cut the right rear panel in half so I had something to cover up my JL amp while I work on the rest of the Bronco. I will be building a rack for a my Zapco to go in next to the JL and the sub in the rear. Then a whole new panel to cover it all up.
And not related to the build, my girlfriend sitting in it on the beaches of Carova on our 4th weekend trip, it was my first time driving in sand, and a lot of fun!
I had a bunch of parts show up while I was at work over the last week. All new rubber for both doors, including the noisy window seals. A little Zapco AG200 50x2 amp that'll be MUCH better for the horns than the MTX. Now I'll use the MTX for aux speakers when camping and such. I have all the parts to replace the headliner too. I'll dig in to the project some more tomorrow.
I came up with an idea for bracing the doors to better handle the 8's, I just need to track down some square tubing and play a bit.
While the measurements don't look great at 60mph yet, I could tell a noticeable difference on my trip. I'm gonna try to knock out both doors tomorrow and re run my last test ASAP.