Devil Dog08
New member
to all the people on here that spent countless hours helping me resolve my power window problem . i start off by saying my windows now work . the problem was in the master controll box on the drivers side ..what i did was put the passenger controll switch on the master controll in the drivers window plug and the passengers in the drivers . the pass window worked fine and the drivers window only worked going up the same problem that started this excursion. so then i looked at the power door lock switch and it was the same .so i took out the lock switch put it in the pass window put the bad switch in the lock place figuring having the windows work was more important to me then having the lock was a great idea. untill order a new switch for the window so .here i put eveything back together now both windows work and for some odd reason the electric locks work also .i figuring the lock has its own ground but i really dont care as long as every thing if we all get together for a maeet or something the beers on me
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