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Not sure if I'll be able to make it, but I'd like to. We'll see.
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Well it ain't gonna happen for me/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Beast should be done but I will still be getting used to it and doing the break in thing
i think i just might check that out.... it is a shame that every one else is still in the "break in" period with their rigs.... my bronco actually just killed over a few months ago but i try to stay active on here cause i still like to take out the other "toys"... lol nothing extreme this weekend though...As far as some good Jersey wheelin' check out the Pine Barrens area of South Jersey. If you want the South Jersey Four Wheelers can direct you to many different wheelin' locals. Check 'em out at
well i was leaning towards going out on Sunday.... i am going out to Wharton to take a look at how '1/4 Mile' looks after the last few storms.... i wanna see how the mud pits look and just hang out out there... yous are more than welcome to join if you want... i plan on being at the ranger station by 9... unfortunately i cant stay out all day... probably only till 1 or so but i think 4 hours is good for me until i can get a new windshield in my big toy... if yous want to meet me at the ranger station your more than welcome.... right now we dont have anything big... just an EXTERRA with BFG ATs that are a bit bigger than stock and we leveled the truck.... what all do you guys drive? do you frequent Wharton much?yo total... when you going wheeling? and were at? my friends and i are itching to go out.... i know 5 of us are deff. down to go... need more info!!!! let me know man!
it was a good time today... took a friend out that hasnt been in over a year... we explored for a few hours.... got lost for a bit.... then went to quarter mile.... it was UNDER water... almost completely... still a good time though.... lolwell i was leaning towards going out on Sunday.... i am going out to Wharton to take a look at how '1/4 Mile' looks after the last few storms.... i wanna see how the mud pits look and just hang out out there... yous are more than welcome to join if you want... i plan on being at the ranger station by 9... unfortunately i cant stay out all day... probably only till 1 or so but i think 4 hours is good for me until i can get a new windshield in my big toy... if yous want to meet me at the ranger station your more than welcome.... right now we dont have anything big... just an EXTERRA with BFG ATs that are a bit bigger than stock and we leveled the truck.... what all do you guys drive? do you frequent Wharton much?
not really sure... went in at the ranger staion at atsion, came out ... well not really too sure where... went right back in and drove some more... eventually made it to carranza then we went to quarter mile to check it out... drove through some mud and water, acted as an ice breaker for some jeeps following... nothing crazy cause i was in my girls EXTERRA and not my big toy, but still a good timewe went last night.... we had 9 trucks out with us... we were at atco and then we headed out to batstoe.... it was a good night only 2 trucks got stuck.... only problem was the ice.... everything was frozen... were did you guys go?
hey guys, i just got a bronco and live in central jersey. i know of alot of good trails in tuckerton where my brother owns land that him and his buddies go quading on. theres also some decent trails in hamilton and princeton area. idk if anyone is still looking through this thread but im dying to join a bronco club! my truck is a little under the weather after a crazy day of roading sunday but i learned a valuable lesson. if your not breaking shit, your not having enough fun! haha anyways hope to hear from some of you guys soon.
if you guys really want alot of fun were u can go in jersey without getting aressted or kicked out goto lacy township on lacy road by the parkway power lines theres tons and tons of shit to go through thers clay mud soft sand big ass ruts and small ruts some big ass puddles and small ones lol but if any of you try to find it and cant ask a local lacy person how to get to materals thts wut the woods are called its a fun ass place and highly recomend u guys to go ponderin through there one of these days theres tons of people out there 24/7 just wheeling around never have to worrie bout getting stuck and noone ther to pull u out