You already have the suspension lift installed therefore adding a 3" body lift will not change or affect anything inreguards to the suspension or lift. Adding a 3" body lift to your truck will only require extending the shift linkage rod that goes from the bottom end of the steering column to the shift lever on the side of the transmission,and probably adjusting the bend of the transfercase shifter(if a manual shift 4x4 transfercase), you will want to relocate the front and rear bumpers up to match the body. when doing a body lift the engine cooling fan will contact the bottom of the fan schroud now would be a prime opportunity to convert to an electric cooling fan or you will have to cut a portion out of the bottom of the shroud to avoid the fan hitting it and causing dammage to the fan and the shroud. When you do the body lift besure to check and adjust the fuel filler hose, it will need some repositioning after the body has been lifted. Haveing the suspesion lift and the body lift does not cause any problems that you dont already have to deal with like ,high center of gravity low fuel millage and the difficulty that short girls have when tring to get in your truck.but as far as additional work or parts needed there arent any.Altho after adding the body lift you will start thinking abt the larger tires that you could fit in there and that will lead to regearing the axels or doing a SAS. With me i know that doing one mod will always bring forth another that i will want to do. Its a never ending process....better get started