I thought there was another thread about driving on the beach? I often go down here, since I'm only a few miles from the coast. The difference in driving technique is going to be in packed, hard sand or loose, soft sand. Hard packed sand or just after a rain, I don't even air down, and have seen cars on the beach, bascially, no problem and just like driving on dirt or gravel. The tough one is loose, soft sand, where you can easily dig holes with your ties and high-center. I've seen trucks go ten feet and get buried.
If your local beach allows it, try to drive close to the tide line or that seaweed line, since the sand will be wetter and more compact. Some beaches don't allow that, since it supposedly kills little critters in the sand when you drive over them. you'll have to watch out for debris left during the high tide, too, but I can usually run 20 mph along this zone.
The key in soft sand is a light, steady throttle. IF you hammer down like driving thru mud, you'll often break thru and dig a hole. The rear wheels will tend to bounce or "chatter", and this can break a shock real easy. If you're stopped, take off slow and easy until you get some speed going, maybe 5-10 mph. I don't air down very often, but would keep at least 20 psi if you have to travel on the tarmack before airing back up. I carry a small shovel to dig out from getting bured whenever that does happen, rather than using a board under the tire for traction. JSM84