ok i really hope this helps any of ur prob. before removin pump insure it works , make a jumpers lead from batt to pump on frame . this is more like a bench test . if it works a relay is bad , or poor wiring connections . also if u have already replaced this pump and can not get fuel, or not enough fuel to eng , check ur filter or filters . also check all hose fittings to insure proper seal. u can also pull the line on the hi pressure side put a finger over end of pump ,have someone turn truck on . please be carefull can make a mess . there should be alot of pressure u may or may not be able to hold the pressure back , if no pressure remove finger and replace repeatably . if still none check ur sending unit for function u can apply most of the ideas ive posted for that , but also check to see if pickup tube on sending unit is attached and sealed well.oh yeh change ur gas cap .be sure to bleed sys .could also be bad soft line hoses they could be collapsing or kinking . hope this was helpful for anyone out there and good luck.