I just bought my first Bronco. It is 94 and Eddie Bauer has the 351 windsor and its automatic. Im trying to figure out which transmission it has either the C6, AODE, or E4OD. Does anybody know? Also where I could get a good soft top for it at a reasonable price.
some E4OD, AOD & C6 Pan Identification & Driver Side pics;
Source: by Kenneth at http://www.technical...nsmission.phtml
E4OD have 20 pan bolts; P-R-N-D-2-1 shifter pattern - pic by Chris A
AOD have 14 pan bolts, see diagram & pic; P-R-N-(D)-D-1 shifter pattern, note, OD is actually a (D) - pic by trigger @ http://img.photobuck...ageFSJ/a4-1.jpg
C6 have 17 pan bolts, see diagram & pic; P-R-N-D-2-1, shifter pattern - pic by miesk5
this information provided by miesk5, on one of my eariler posts, hope this helps.