OK, this proceedure assumes you have rotated the engine without the distributor installed and applies to a Duraspark II system.
1. Rotate engine untill number 1 piston is on compression stroke.
2. Align timing marks for correct initial timing.
3. Install distributor with rotor pointing at number one terminal position in cap, and armeture and stator poles are aligned.
(The armature is the 8 pointed star wheel on the shaft, the stator is the part with the coil. Looking down on it, you will see a smallpole sticking out. Align so they are pointing at each other.)
4. Make sure oil pump intermediate shaft properly engages distributor shaft. It may be necessary to crank engine after distributor gear is partially engaged in order to engage oil pump intermediate shaft and fully seat distributor in block.
5. If it is necessary to crank engine, again rotate engine until number 1 piston is on compression stroke and align timing marks for correct initial timing.
6. Rotate distributor in block to align armature and stator assembly poles and verify rotor is pointing at number 1 cap terminal.
7. install distributor holddown bolt and clamp; do not tighten.
B. If in the above proceedure, the armature stator assembly poles can not be aligned by rotating the distributor in block, pull the distributor out of the block enough todisengage distributor gear and rotate distributor shaft to engage a different distributor tooth and re-install distributor, repeat the above steps as necessary.
C. Connect distributor wiring harness.
D. Install distributor cap and ignition wires. Check that ignition wires are securely connected to cap and plugs.
E. Set initial timing per specification on Vehicles Emission Control Information Decale.
F. Tighten distributor holddown bolt to 17-25 in. lb.
G. Recheck initial timing and adjust if necessary.
H. Connec diaphram assembly hose.
Since this is a replacement engine, I'm attaching the Emissions calibration decale that I use for my 351. My truck originally had a 302 so I had to find a decale that matched my engine configuration.
Good luck,