post #4 sez it all 4 me. Altho I ran '50s/60s contential sports cars (rest0mod from any where a kid could aford like Goldie's JY, Quincy) during the muscle era - my fav lookin vehicle is the 6th gen Ford F-250 Short Bed, step side 4WD w/2 18 inch race stripes ('73/9).
A 2nd gen bronk is in there too. Even w/that I (not we) laughed at the 2nd gen as it lumbered dwn the st ("What a pig. Dat car isa real gass hog!"). Now I know the 400 M as the largest production "square motor" in production,a remarkable stat.
I still daily the shifty Itialian 1.6, 2.0 buzz bombs but have my 1st gen bronk for wrk , a mt top beer at sunset 2, 3 X a yr and my major project. Going to the local 1Xyr bronk round up I **** after the restored (not modded) 2nd gen in the 1 color maroon. It's a lill different than the F250 I love but it's real close...
The FE and the 385 serries (390, 428, etc) & are 2 w a y different things all together. Ford, unlike cheb, had families, no SB & big blk (ie ThriftPower or "falcon engines" - 6 of 'em like my 250/4.1L bronk; bent 6: calogne, essix, vulcan, sho etc, etc; Y block, MEL; windsor. clevland, modular...)