Couple of quick tests...
assuming its an auto...
Does it even try to turn over?
If not, put the key in "run", trans in park (E-brake on just in case)
Use a booster cable to jump the batt lead of the solenoid to the starter side of the solenoid. (remove the cable as soon as it starts, if it does)
If it turns over and runs, you've eliminated all problems EXCEPT the ignition switch and the neutral safety switch.
To eliminate the neutral safety as the problem, there should be a four wire plug at the firewall (not sure of the color coding on your truck) unplug it, test for the power into the plug with the key on (use a test light or multi meter)
there should be "paired" wire colors here (black and black with tracer, blue and blue with tracer for example) one set is for your b up lights, the other is n safety...
jump the pairs and try and start the truck using the key. if it doesn't start, switch the wire pairing try again.
if it still doesn't start, your problem is likely in the ignition.
good luck