muddridder said:
WoW Broncojoe19..your getting aliitle high and mighty with your comments.Rednek used an F word...what's the big deal??This site has mainly male members and out of all the pots I have read, none of them ever offened me not even the ones with the F word.If 73,216 posts have been made and only 20 have the F word in them...I would have to say thats not bad for a site that is mainly a bunch of guys talking shop about one anothers trucks.If you put to guys together in my shop or any shop for that matter ...I can almost be proof positive you will here the F word alot.And the post I made about the snorkle.....I was kidding....... :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
High and mighty? Please believe me, I have been very reserved with my comments.
Regarding the use of the F word. It is probably the most over used word in the english language, in some shops, and perhaps in your's there are few sentences that are utterred without its inclusion. Perhaps you have not noted that on THIS site, members are respectful enough that when they do use foul language they sensor it. Even the word $hit is almost never found spelled out here.
Personally I put a lot of time into taking pictures of each step, with an explanation of how to build the snorkel, others have posted information on how to water tight the engine so one can go submarineing. So, am I so out of line to politely request that the F word be removed from what is essentially an instructional piece?
Now that rednek has responded with a refusal to edit his post, I am going to ask a moderator to clean the thread. That's all.
Have a nice day.