Did anyone here get a chance to go to Funny Rocks in Naches, WA over the weekend?
We were all there and I left my damn camera by the front door. :'(
There were around 50 tube frame buggies and one in perticular had the new IROC 48" tires, raised portal axles with the double CV style axle shafts. These guys would be crawling up 10' vertical walls and dropping off 15' ledges making it look easy. Some would flip on their sides and keep going on the sides of their tires. Thanks to hydraulic steering most could flip themselves back over by turning into the ground while hitting the gas. Another way was to hit reverse and try swinging the front end around (sill on side) and turn into the ground while hitting the gas. Seems to work pretty well to get back on all fours. I saw many D60 chromoly axle shafts break and tons of drivelines. **** of a day, I know realize I need an external roll cage and hydraulic steering.
/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
We were all there and I left my damn camera by the front door. :'(
There were around 50 tube frame buggies and one in perticular had the new IROC 48" tires, raised portal axles with the double CV style axle shafts. These guys would be crawling up 10' vertical walls and dropping off 15' ledges making it look easy. Some would flip on their sides and keep going on the sides of their tires. Thanks to hydraulic steering most could flip themselves back over by turning into the ground while hitting the gas. Another way was to hit reverse and try swinging the front end around (sill on side) and turn into the ground while hitting the gas. Seems to work pretty well to get back on all fours. I saw many D60 chromoly axle shafts break and tons of drivelines. **** of a day, I know realize I need an external roll cage and hydraulic steering.