For what it is worth, I installed the Centech kit in mine. Every wire was had where it was supposed to go printed on it (i.e. hazard, Fuel tank, Aux Fuel Tank, Coil, etc.) I was extremely impressed with the Centech kit as far as that goes. Much more so than I was with the couple of Painless kits I have seen. I have never seen the RF kit, so I can't comment on it. But the big complaint I had and still have with the Centech kit is that...
#1 Their Tech support sucks. I called to get a page that was missing out of my instruction book to see if they would email or fax it to me and they wanted $10 for that page. Bullsh*t as far as I am concerned. Then instead of helping me out, they wanted to charge me for the tech call. I am sorry, but when you spend $4-500 on a wiring kit and it is missing a one cent page, you send it. They were absolutely useless. And because I bought my kit through a vendor (AutoKrafters, they had the best price at the time) I was told to get my tech support from them.
Complaint #2 I have, they don't use factory replacement switches or modules. I know that newer stuff is more reliable, but if you use new stuff, then let your customers know what parts they are in case they go bad. Case in point, my ignition switch went out and I assumed that it was a 72 Bronco ignition. WRONG!! Ends up that Centech uses/ed an 86 F-250 ignition switch. It would have been nice to know that in the first place. When I called them to ask them about it, I got the exact same run around and on top of it, I never found out what the switch was out of. Good thing I am friends with the manager at the local Checkers Auto. It took us 2 hours of looking through books and comparing ignitions to find the right one.
Complaint #3 is the fuse panel. I wish it was bigger and didn't have a metal face plate, if you have a ground or short somewhere, you have to take that plate off in order to put the fuses in.
Other than those three things, I liked the harness. Except for the 1 page missing, the harness was complete less the steering column/blinker harness. It went in over a weekend and other than minor things, I haven't had a problem in 8 years.