Save your $$ and do the Self Test by our pal BroncoJoe19
do both Key On Engine Off (KOEO)
Key On Engine Running KOER self tests - engine must be @ norm op temp....
Post Codes here
or look in my
broncolinks.com site
and read a few Links that begin with;
DTCs 2 digits & some Possible Causes; MANY CODES!
btw, here are the test inst for it;
"...Using Super Star II Tester, Rotunda 007-0041A
Turn the ignition key off.
Connect the MECS adapter cable, Rotunda 007-00038, to the Star Tester.
Connect the adapter cable leads to the blue 4EAT STO and STI connectors. (Located under the dash on the left side of the steering shaft.)
Ground the adapter cable.
Slide the Star Tester switch to the MECS position.
Latch the center button in the test position.
Turn the ignition key on.
Turn the Star Tester on. It will sound and display an "888" for two seconds.
Unlatch and relatch the center test button.
Record codes, then unlatch the center button..."
The sSelf Test is just as good and cheaper!