what is required for an e4od to 4r100 swap? can it be some what easily done? i want to get a 4r100 from brians truck stop because later i have full intention of putting a 7.3 in or a 6bt cummins not sure but thats later. but any answer to that question would be great thanks guys.
I've seen conlicting info on this swap so far.
Some say just the valve body (& solenoid pack, of course) need to be swapped. ie, keep the E4OD's valve body & re-use it in da 4
I'd ask Brian here;
& read this there;
Some Info I've gathered in past for this swap:
"the torque converter is the same for the 4r100 and the e4od.
They are essentially the same transmission and when it comes down to raw power and support the case on the e4OD is stronger, or so I've read.
There are a couple breaks in the torque ratings for the E4OD one is '95 when they came out with the PSD, and another in '97, the '97 has the same geartrain internally as the 4R100.
I found that the pieces and parts to upgrade the geartrain became far more affordably priced and cheaper than I could source a core transmission for when purchased as part of a "rebuild kit" I can say that I'm not overly gentle on my transmission and the more power thrown at it the better it holds, The complete geartrain upgrade & rebuild kit (seals, frictions etc) was around 1000 without the torque converter or the vb rebuild since I already had the transgo tugger kit which is a full valve body rebuild kit. From what I remember when I ran the numbers I spent around $4-500 for new hard parts to upgrade the geartrain over what I could have gotten just the rebuild soft parts for with good frictions & steels.
Keep in mind that some of the upgrades that are being done to the 4r100 is reverting back to the '97 E4OD parts because they are more durable..."
by Trent
and by Chuck
"...Just talked to my friend who trains the the Ford technicians, here is what he says /
#1 the E4OD PCM will work for 4R100 how ever the shift shaft and transmission range sensor has to be moved from from the E4OD to the 4R100
#2 yes it does have a couple of sensors on the 4R100 that don't get used in this case.
#3 Don't know what they are talking about with the cup thing we didn't do that when we did this swap.
#4 need to have a 4x4 adapter and output shaft from a 4R100
#5 the torque rating on the early E4OD was around 850 lb ft, then went to 900 lb ft, the 4R100 is rated at 1000 lb ft for the Diesels #6 both transmission use torque converter cancel switches, the torque shift (5R115 for the 6.0 power stroke) use's a tow / haul switch.
Hope this helps,