So, I always wanted to do something like this, so I gave it a go this summer. Worked on it here and there and I still have some trim I want to put on it, but it’s far enough along for me to share it here.
It has a switch panel in it that is fed by a second 'house' battery. I ran 4awg wires from the "+" and "-" to DC power and ground blocks that are mounted in the belly of the console. The switch panel is wired to those blocks and it runs front and rear off road lights, a seperate volt meter and an auxiliary electric fuel pump.
The winch is wired directly to the 2nd battery through a shutoff switch.
There is also an inline shutoff switch between the battery and the switch panel.
I really love having cupholders right there and the inverter.
I figured others might like this for their rigs. That space is wasted without it, there's not much else you can do with that space.