Hi BBB...,
"Who got bullied and who got bobed?"
How funny...,
Long short., I went nose to hood, on a narrow trail, with an escaped bull, up in the local mountains. (this bull was BIG..!!)
Honest to God, he was kick'n dirt & blow'n hot breath smoke rings fr. his nose..!!
He moved over., as I slowly passed., he lowered his head to look in my pass. window....I sware it was like "Jurassic Park"...seemed his eye covered my whole window..!
Anyway., something told me to 'gas it'....he turned & kicked but missed...had he hit my rig it surely would have gone over..! b-(
The two jeeps 50' behind me saw this whole thing...

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> they were so scared., they took a 100yd. detour to the left so as not to suffer a fate possibly worse than mine..
They began, that day, calling me Bully Bob....& still do to this day..!!
If I had it to do over., I wouldn't use that 'handle' on this board as it has several meanings...but oh well....
Sooo., I guess the answer would be..."
I got bullied" ., & survived..

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />