Over 125 Shiftsters were sold by 2010; and nearly all who post comments say it works well, as advertised.
Ricky B designed it and he was an active member here in da ZONE
Broncobill78 and justshootme84 began the discussion on emergency elecric Xfer case (BW1356) shifting:
1356 Electric Shift Emergency Shifting; "...per one of the other threads someone mentioned that the electric 1356's had a square 3/8" hole in the case so it could be shifted manually if the electrics died..."
Source: by Broncobill78 (Dave) at Bronco Zone Forums
1356 Electric Shift Emergency Shifting; shaft, shift part number 7N095; item number 84 in 1356 Electric Shift Parts Break Out Diagram by Steve83
1356 Electric Shift Emergency Shifting; "the hole that the shift motor (shaft") fits thru is 3/4" diameter..."
Source: by justshootme84 (Randy Z, Casual Mudder)
Here are some comments:
"Uploaded on May 18, 2010
Removing the OEM electric shift motor from the Borg Warner 13-56 transfer case and installing the Shiftster-1
Jstickley wrote; we do get quite a bit of snow around here for some reason.. Would just switch it the night before we get snow, and if it doesnt snow, great, its a easy switch back to 2 wheel... at least the truck wouldn't be **** in 3 ft of snow right now

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
OUR SPONSOR, sells it
Broncograveyard November 2012 New Products - YouTube► 4:12► 4:12www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP1DQuvW9pE
Oct 29, 2012 - Uploaded by TheBroncoGraveyard
The Shiftster* is designed as a painless bolt-on application to convert ... In our experience, The Shiftster can be removed and re-installed in just (LINK is screwed up..