Perhaps a few days late, but since you have done all that yardape suggested, I suspect that it is like steve83 suggested. The fender mounted relay is not grounded to the fender.
You may also want to check to make sure the fender is properly grounded.
How to Check a ground
Turn the power to the circuit on, and using a digital volt meter, put one lead to the grounded wire, and the other to a good ground. If there is voltage, clean your ground.
Turn power to the circuit off, and use a self powered test light, or an ohm meter, and test the grounded wire to a good ground. IF the light goes on, or there is continuity on the ohm meter, then the ground is probably good. (There may still be ressistance in the connection, if significant one will see it in the ohm meter, or the light may not shine brightly.) Using a DVM is a better method!
good ground.
The best ground is the battery neg terminal. There may be some resistance in the battery connector, and wire(s) that then connect to the engine block, body frame, and interframe connections. To locate a good ground, one should use a DVM digital volt meter, and put one probe to the bat neg terminal, and the other to a ground. Ideally there will be no voltage recorded (unless there is an open) a few millivolts are acceptable. If one finds voltage, one must locate any poor connections between that ground and the neg terminal of the bat, and clean it.