IMO if you are sure the leak is in the rear & your intake repairs aren't leaking then the options are getting slim here. Leaks from rear of engine are going to be:
Intake gasket or cracked manifold
Head gasket
cracked head
Freeze plug
All of these can leak without getting water in the oil. Most cracked heads are around exh valves, leak into the exhaust ports and blow the water out the tail pipe. You can usually smell antifreeze at the tail pipe as steam. A head gasket could leak into the oil, cylinder, or be an external leak. Freeze plug would be external. Dont forget there are 2 freeze plugs behind the flywheel. dunno what to tell you, not like we have to worry about blocks freezing in Florida. I feel your pain about the exhaust studs too, when i turned in my core 2.9 it had broken studs on one side, and one of the exhaust manifold still attached to the other. Good thing i bought headers!
I guess you should watch your temperature and see if the leak gets worse. Perhaps then you will know where it is coming from.