Nice. You gotta love pulling out the "competition", especially with a smaller truck. LOL. That trip I took to Lake Powell was just something else. The day before, before my uncle's boat died, (in fact all his toys broke on that trip, boat, jet skis, motorcycles, etc...) we were sitting on the beach having a few beers in the late afternoon and watched this kid in a Jeep venture out during low tide into the mud. We thought, cool, until we heard a u-joint snap. We were thinking "bummer dude". Then we watched his friend take his Jeep out to rescue him. The next thing we knew, they were both stuck hard and the tide was coming in. They came over and begged me to pull them out. They offered me $100.00 to pull them out. I just couldn't do it. I explained that I was over 700 miles from home and the Bronco was my only ride back. If I broke the Bronco I would be worse off than them, and $100.00 would not be enough to get me home. All around me everything was breaking except the Bronco. Everyone watched as the Jeeps went under for the night. The guilt was brutal but I just couldn't risk it. As it turned out, I needed the Bronco to rescue my uncle the next day. If I had broke the Bronco pulling them out we'd probably still be there going ***.