It's been a while, so here's an update:
Replaced the TPS after voltage reads were inconsistent with what is expected.
It was still accelerating rough, but running well enough for a short drive within the neighborhood.
Sunday a friend approached me after noticing our B2 in the driveway. Seems he picked up an '85 B2 which had the 5.0 engine swapped and a number of other after-market mods. His had just blown the transaxle seal, but it was good to find another B2 fan so close.

We had planned to drive by yesterday (and drop off a fluid pump so he could fill his enough to limp to a tranny shop)...but ours wouldn't start.
Saturday my son and a friend were attempting to remove the ICM to have it tested, but were unsuccessful. (without loosening the distributor hold-down bolt, thinking one of the screws was stripped) He was adamant that they didn't touch anything else, but was sure I had tugged too ******* the main wiring harness a week ago which "probably" contributed.
Today he found an after-market fusible link had a blown fuse and replaced it. (The connectors he used to install it were not taped/exposed, and at least once I noticed a soft 'zap' over the past week or two.) That's been replaced and covered with heat-shrink tubing. Chasing down what appeared to be a no-spark condition, we found nothing on spark wires, nothing coming out of the ignition coil (neither with a timing light nor a grounded spark plug) and proper voltage and ground at the coil.
I stumbled onto another thread were a guy had similar symptoms to ours, and replaced his (black) ICM with a gray one. (He said the pins seemed thicker on the gray one and it made a world of difference). In our case, we had purchased a gray one a year or so ago, but when swapping the (AutoZone) distributor assembly under warranty, my son left the gray ICM on the old one and received a black ICM with the replacement distributor assembly. Thought nothing of it at the time...but we've been struggling with this for months. My son decided earlier today to buy one. Another $85 out-of-pocket, but this one has a 5-year warranty (the same source this guy bought and had success with) which will arrive this Friday.
As my son was cranking this evening, (actually during a KOEO moment) I was pushing/pulling on the ICM just to make sure it was tight, and I noticed the fuel injectors activated for a few seconds at a time as I pushed.

This time I applied pressure toward the firewall while he cranked, and it wanted to start. (spark) Ah-ha!
Took that (black/Autozone) ICM off (this time loosening the distributor hold-down bolt, no stripped ***** after all) and had AutoZone test it. (FAIL)
SO...another case of a failed ICM it seems. Who knows if the gray ICM we bought a year ago was perfectly good, but we accidentally let it go with the distributor assembly "core". Sure seems like another AutoZone (black) ICM which was defective (or failed prematurely). This weekend he'll swap that out with the gray ICM, re-time it and cross our fingers!