entity-unknown messaged me with more info today!
"So yes you do have to remove the linkage and shaft.
Once I get to the point in describing removing the transmission pan, that's what all leads to pulling the linkage. It's not as complicated as the length of detail describes but I tried to be visual and cover everything.
Once I get to this point:
"So you're going to undo the nut as you slide out the linkage. I used one hand for the nut and another on the linkage since you have to operate both to do it quickly or just go back and forth taking your time. "
The shaft is out and ready to have the seal replaced. You can replace just the outside seal but that's not what is leaking, it's the inside one so it will be in vain and you'd still have to buy another o-ring set.
After that it's just putting it all together which goes real quick now that you experienced how it all works together while disassembling it."
Thank you e!