You're one of few I have heard of that has the E4OD in a 90 Bronco.
Does the shift indicator look like this?
pic by Chris A
Trans code: E
AOD Trans code: T pic by trigger
This problem could be caused by a # of thangs;
Do a DIY Code scan test such this by my pal BroncoJoe19 @
There are two types of Tests, Key On Engine Off (KOEO) & Key On Engine Running (KOER).
The engine temperature must be greater than 50°F (10°C) to pass the KOEO Self-Test and greater than 180°F (82°C) to pass the KOER Self-Test.
Run it around to heat the engine up and shift thru all gears incl Reverse. Then turn off all accessories/lights, etc.
Make sure A/C is off and transmission is in Park (automatic) or in Neutral for a Manual & release clutch.
Do Key On Engine Off (KOEO) portion first.
Look Codes up in my broncolinks.com site using the new Search function.
And Post em here according to
This is also shown in:
Automatic - Electronic Transmission Diagnostic And Repair Diagnostic & Repair Process Chart TSB 91-6-4 for 90-91 Bronco, 89-91 Econoline & F SERIES, 91 Taurus & ****** & 89-91 Probe Source: by Ford via Chilton
ISSUE An Electronic Transmission Repair Process Chart has been developed for service use. The addition of electronic controls to automatic transmissions (E40D, AXODE, 4EAT, etc.) adds to the complexity of diagnosis and repair. Avoiding repeat repairs depends on properly identifying all the root causes of the concern.
ACTION Use the Electronic Transmission Repair Process Chart, Figure 1, to assist you in developing a routing system for electronically controlled transmission repairs. Using this routing chart will help in determining the "root cause" for the concern and repeat repairs.