no for the fp relay there will be two big pins and two little pins.
One little pin will get power from the EEC relay, the other little pin will go to ground, (I am guessing that ground is controlled by the PCM)
When the one little one gets power from the EEC relay, and the ground is grounded, that will trigger the fuel pressure relay to make the connection accross the two large connections. This will permit the power to get to the fuel pump.
Can you back probe the connector that the fuel pump relay plugs into? If so, then back probe the large pins with your test light, and ground the test light lead. One large pin will always be hot, the other pin should also be hot when the relay is triggered. So have someone turn the key off, and then back on while you are backprobing the conenction, it will only stay triggered for a couple of seconds after you turn the key to ON.
IF you get power there, the relay is good, and it is being triggered. You already know that the wiring from the inertia safety switch is good (because you can get the pump to run by way of the DLC) so you will now need to test the wire from the big connector from the fuel pump relay to the inertia switch.
IF you do not get power there, then the relay is bad, or it is not being triggered. You already tested the trigger side and you know that it is getting power, so it must be a problem on the grounding side. So we'll have to check the grounds to the PCM. I think that it is the one that is nearby the PCM, near the firewall on the driver's side.