I know I may sound like the Caped Crusader on this subject, but my point is if you are going to tell soimeone they can get away with going outside specs, then that should be included in the post. The reason, is the tire manufacturer specification is there to save their BUT not yours. Ergo, they give a spec that they are willing to assume all risk on if you go outsde the spec you assume all safety, and financial risk.
I just changed components in a live high voltage electrical system and lived to tell about it. There are only two reasons for doing that. 1. I was stupid or 2. The system was so critical that it couldn't be shut down and all possible precautions were taken to insure my survivability. That doesn't mean everyone should do that because I got away with it.
So in the case of tires, put them on the correct rims. After all, what is you BUT worth. Spend 500+ on tires and put them on 1.98 wheels :blink:
Below is the spec for a BFG tire and is the same for every 33X12.5 tire I have looked up as far as rim width is concerned.
Size 33X12.5QR15, Load Rating 108QC, Max Load 2205 lb., Max. Inflation Press. 35 psi, Tread Depth, Rim Width 8.5 - 11" .
No offense intended to anyone but I believe that suggestions in a forum should be responsible and keep safety in mind.
