Vehicle Emission Control Information (VECI) Decal, Vacuum Diagrams & Calibration Parts List for 88 & UP. On-Line for Free at Ford. Click "Quick Guides" in left panel; Scroll to & CLICK VECI Labels "Provides Vehicle Emission Control Information (VECI) and a related calibration parts list." Enter applicable info (need to know your Calibration number from your B-pillar sticker). Vacuum Diagram is the same as the one on the core support or hood or air filter cover.
Source: by Ford
Ask local dealer for a diagram
Abbreviations & Color Codes ,, various
Source: by Steve83 & Seabronc (I copied from another Forum)
A/CL DV - Air Cleaner Diverter Valve
A/CL BI MET - Air Cleaner BiMetallic valve
ACV - Air Control Valve
MAN VAC - Manifold Vacuum
EXH HCV - Exhaust Heat Control Valve
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
SV CBV - Solenoid Valve Carborator Bowl Vent
TVV - Thermal Vacuum Valve
LCV - EGR Load Control Valve
VDV - Vacuum Diverter Valve
HICV - Hot Idle Control Valve
IVV - Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
TVS - Throttle Valve Solenoid (aka SolePot, Dashpot)
VCV - Vacuum Control Valve
HEAT VLV INT - Heat Valve Intake
TK - Throttle Kicker
FLTR - uuuuuuhhh... "Filter"
VRDV - Distributor Vacuum ****** Delay Valve
AIR BPV - Air ByPass Valve (aka Thermactor Air Bypass = TAB)
by Steve
by Seabronc
BV - Bowl Vent
S - Spark port
ACT - not sure, but on EFIs it means Air Charge Temperature sensor
SV CBV = Carborator Fuel Bowl Solenoid Vent Valve
LCV = EGR Load Control (WOT =Wide Open Throttle) Valve
HICV = Hot Idle Control Valve
IVV = Thermactor Idle Vacuum Valve
VRDV = Vacuum Delay Valve (VDV, VRDV, DV-TW)
(VDV = Vacuum Delay Valve)
(VRDV = Distributor ****** Delay Valve)
(DV-TW = Two Way Delay Valve)
HEAT VLV INT = Heat Vacuum Control Valve Intake, (next to carb)
The vacuum lines are color coded and laid out as though you are looking at the engine when standing infront of the truck. Each color code represents a different function (in most cases) and the same color line is used on the engine as in the diagram. However, black gets used in a few places that are not associated. The easiest way to deal with rebuilding the vacuum lines is to do one function at a time. The most complex vacuum line layout is on carbed engines of the mid to late 80's. The vacuum diagram is located on the right side of the radiator support (for the US that is the passenger side).
Unfortunately not all engines have the same calibration so the devices and hookups change even between different trucks of the same year and engine. So a writeup on one truck / diagram can only serve as an example not the, "End All", for all trucks. Some of the devices are calibrated for different temperature operating ranges which is indicated by color coding of the device. So I hope you can see that your request would be much more than a write up, more like a book in order to cover all calibrations.
If you need help, post a picture of the diagram on your truck and I'm sure that anyone who knows how to interpret it can talk you thru it. The best thing to do is to get a real Ford shop manual for your year truck. Volume HT, (Engine / Emissions Diagnosis), contains a complete explanation of the variuous devices plus how to test them.
Here is a typical diagram for a 85 351.
Color function in this diagram:
Red = Main vacuum
Green = EGR function
Orange = Heat control Valve (exhaust & intake) (AKA heat riser but more complex)
Yellow = Distributor advance
White = EGR vacuum (source)
Black = Mainly used for the Evaporative emissions control
Black = Thermactor ACV or diverter valve
Blue = Throttle Kicker control
Pink = Thermactor Air Bypass Valve (BPV)
The color in this photo isn't as good as I would like, sorry.