First I have to ask, what type of balancer is installed on your engine? Most stock balancers have a line machined into the outer ring of the balancer. Your balancer isnt missing the outer ring is it? If it is missing you will cause damage to the engine.
Finding top dead center of the cylinder is simple enough. Start by removing distributor cap and rotating engine until the rotor lines up with the number one spark plug. A remote starter switch works well for this step. It also helps if you remove the spark plugs, this allows you to turn the motor by hand with a socket and ratchet on the balancer. You will need to borrow or purchase a top dead center piston stop to insert in the #1 spark plug hole. Before you insert the piston stop in the hole rotate the engine by hand about 20 degrees cw (clockwise) Next install the piston stop and be very careful. DO NOT ROTATE ENGINE WITH STARTER OR SERIOUS ENGINE DAMAGE WILL OCCUR. YOU WILL KNOCK A HOLE IN THE TOP OF THE PISTON. Rotating the engine by hand, rotate slowly in the ccw(counter clockwise) direction it until you feel slight pressure as the piston makes contact with the piston stop. At this point take a scribe and use the timing pointer on the timing cover as a reference mark to make a straight line across the balancer. Next rotate the engine slowly BY HAND in the cw (clockwise) direction until you feel the piston contact the piston stop. Same as before take a scribe and a straight edge and mark the balancer straight across its surface using the timing cover mark as a reference. Now using a six inch steel rule measure the distance between the marks and divide by 2. The middle of these marks is top dead center. You can purchase timing tape according to the diameter of your balancer and line up the TDC mark on the tape with the MIDDLE mark you made on the balancer. Email me at if you have any further questions.