First thing is this... Do a search here on the forum, this topic has been covered many times.
Now on to your problem...
You will want to pick a good day or two for this. Take the cover (access panel) off so you can get to the motor. Next get two lengths of wire long enough to go from the battery to the tailgate leaving you enough to work with. You will use these to test / operate the window motor. With the wires connected to the battery and the factory wires removed from the window motor, connect the wires to the motor. If nothing happens, reverse the wires. The window should go down but if NOTHING happens you most likely have a bad motor.
Now with the window down a little you should be able to open the tailgate thus giving you more room to inspect everything.
FIRST STEP AT THIS POINT IS TO CHECK THE FUSE! IIRC fuse #12 should be a 25A fuse. Check to be sure power is flowing through that fuse.
Now roll the window up so you can get at everything (TAKE CARE NOT TO LET THE WINDOW GO ALL THE WAY OUT)
With the window up look for the Safety switch on the key switch. There should be 2 wires, 1 should be Red with a yellow stripe and 1 Tan with a black stripe. Use a small piece of wire to connect those wires. Now test the operation of the window with the key.
If nothing happens, use your volt meter to check for power at the Tan with black stripe wire. You should have 12VDC or so at that point.
If you do not have power at that wire, look for the Black wire with a white stripe and check for power there. If you do not have power there move to the wires between the tailgate and the body. The wires have a tendency to break there.
Easiest way to check for power there would be to remove the driver's side tail light, there should be a plug behind the taillight.
Find the Black with White striped wire and check for power at the front side of that plug.
If you still do not have power at that plug, there will be 2 more plugs between the fuse block and the back of the taillight that you should check for power or even corrosion.
That covers the "Hot at all times" circuit.
Now for the keyed circut...
I will assume you have power windows.
If your windows are working properly that says fuse #14 (another 25A fuse) is good.
Now you will want to have a friend to help you with these tests...
With the key on, have a friend push the switch in one direction as you check for power at the tailgate. You will be looking for the Dark Gray with Light Gray stripe and the Pink with Light Gray stripe.
If you have no power at either wire, have your friend push the switch in the opposite direction and check those wires again.
If no power, move to the plug behind the taillight and look for the same wires and again check for power same as above.
Again if no power, check the same plugs under the truck for corrosion / power.
Something to keep in mind... When ever you open a plug, it's always a good idea to put "di-electric" grease into those plugs to help prevent corrosion.
If at this point you still can not get your rear window to work, I'm at a loss because this checks the entire electrical circuit for said window. Maybe someone else can pick up from where I'm leaving off...