So where are we on this window deal? Sounds to me like you have two possible problems. One, the interior switch. You said you were able to move the window up and down a few inches with the key, but not the interior switch. That's a different can 'o worms, so we'll tackle that later. You then said you were able to get the window to go up and down a little with the key in the back. If it's not going all the way up and down, your old motor may be running on it's last leg. Probably needs to be replaced (a very common thing on Broncos)....but don't know for sure. The back-glass has two regulator arms that attach to the glass via a pair of channels that are pop-riveted to the glass. With the motor out, there shouldn't be anything holding the glass in place. The gear on the motor fits into the grooves on the regulator arm. That's the only thing holding the glass up or down. Has the tailgate been bent in any way? The channels on the right and left side of the interior of the gate may be bent, preventing the window to move up or down too far. You don't want to put a lot of pressure on that glass, because it WILL break easily. I would try to lower the gate, have a buddy help you secure the glass by holding it on the top to keep too much gravity off the glass, and you manually pull the glass down from the inside of the access panel by carefully pulling down on the control arms. Spray PB Blaster or something on all moving parts to loosen it all up. If it won't budge, get back to us...but I think it will. Once you've got the window moving freely, try to reinstall the motor and see if it will go up and down. If it won't, it's time for a new motor. If it will, try to move it again from the interior switch. Then we'll go from there. Good luck.