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Lock Cylinder Adjustment & Switch Pin-Out Diagram & Continuity Testing (Logic Tables); "...The following proceedure is from the 1983 Ford Service manual, with a few minor wording changes, but should work for any year. Also included are a couple of illustrations from the same proceedure to help you visualize it. Remove the electrical connector from the ignition switch. Rotate the key back and forth to either side of LOCK, until a 5/64 in. drill bit can be inserted through the locking pin hole as far as possible (minimum 3/8 inch). The lock pin hole is located on the right of the switch next to the steering column tube. Loosen the two ignition switch mounting nuts. Turn the key to LOCK (feel for detent) and remove the key. move the switch up and down along the column to locate the mid-positionof rod lash and tighten the mounting nuts. Remove the drill bit from the ignition switch lock pin hole. Plug in the electrical connector and operate the lock cylinder to insure the switch is positioned properly. Confirm that all accessories are deactivated with key on the OFF position, and that all accessories are operable in RUN position..." See Diagrams
Source: by Seabronc at Ford Bronco Zone Forums
Between the Lock Cylinder and Switch are the actuator rods
ignition switch is activated by the ignition actuator. The ignition lock cylinder (often referred to as the ignition switch) rotates to push the ignition switch actuator rod, moving the ignition switch (near bottom of steering column) to the start positions.
Removal & Installation w/Tilt Steering in an 85; also applies to 80-91 w/Tilt
Source: by Chris B (Blue, bronco boy) at
Overview; "...The ignition rod is attached the upper ignition actuator by a 3/32 x 38 roll pin ($0.12 each) and the rod needs to be straight so it travels enough to trigger the igniton switch but it's a chore to take it off as you need to remove the steering wheel and tear it down to the (Tilt or Non-Tilt) knuckle, usually down when you replace a broken upper ignition actuator. The ignition switch located on the lower part of the steering column has slots so it can be adjusted by loosening the 2 -7/16 nuts and move it up or down but a lot depends on what's wrong up top with some of the other parts, ie: ignition rod, key cylinder, lower igniton actuator and upper igniton actuator. These parts are timed so when you turn the key to RUN they all need to move forward/downward so the rod triggers the igniton switch to START the BKO..."; MIESK5 NOTE, Below the cylinder and key (11582) in the ****** is a brass gear (3E717), flat bearing (3E700) and snap ring (3C610). these three parts are the same from 1976 thru 1996. Turn the key, the brass gear works with the "steering column lock actuator" (3E723) that controls the rod (11A599) to the ignition switch. If the brass gear is stripped, the ignition switch itself won't work, because without that brass gear...the rod won't actuate the switch
Source: by JKossarides ("The Bronco", Jean)