Is the Transmission Control Indicator Lamp (TCIL) Flashing (on end of tranny shifter)?
Have it checked for Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) for free at local auto parts store; ensure that both KOEO & KOER (eng running at normal operating temperatur) are done.
Post codes here.
Trans shop needs to stand-by their warranty if any, Talk to owner of the shop.
Possible Causes:
Check fluid level and condition
Late 1-2 upshift; Accumulator Body Problems; The small valve indicated in the picture above will wear the hole causing the small valve to stick partially open. When the valve would stick, it caused a late 1-2 upshift, you actually had to let up on the throttle for it to shift, then all of the other shifts were perfect.
We spent hours checking the TPS Sensor, PCM..."
Source: by
2-3 Bind-up &/or Burnt Band or No 2-3 Upshift
Source: by ATC-Distribution Group Inc. via
excerpt; "...One or more of the complaints listed above may be caused by crossleaks between the spacer plate and solenoid body. The spacer plate may bow into the unsupported area over the servo bore and the crossleaked oil can cause the band to apply (2-3 bind-up/burnt band), or create a no 2-3 upshift complaint.
To completely cure this complaint there are 2 or 3 steps required, depending on the year of the transmission.
Step 1. (All Years/Models): Vent away the crossleak oil to prevent pressure build-up and plate bowing. This is easily done by drilling 6 drain holes in the solenoid body as shown below.
See next page for Steps 2 & 3.
Drill 6 1/8" holes at X