First try a
Self Test for Codes by my pal-in-tools, BroncoJoe19
do the KOEO = Key On Engine Off portion first & Remember to have engine @ Normal Operating Temperature before doing the KEY ON ENGINE RUNNING (KOER) portion
Post Code(s) found here by:
Check plug wire routing;
Misfiring/Pinging due to Improper Spark Plug Wire Routing for 5.8
Are plug wire routed as shown on rad decal?
Misrouted spark plug wires can cause a misfire or buck and **** under load.
Spark Plug Wire Routing & Firing Order
TSB 94-04-10 for 87-93 5.0 & 94-96 5.0 & all 5.8 - engine miss, spark knock, buck/***** surge and other driveability concerns;
Pull a few plugs and look for a lean condition = intake man, EGR Valve , throttle body gasket, Vac Leaks, bad Fuel Pressure Regulator (FPR) or weak fuel press from Pump.. Pull red vac line from FPR - any gas or gas smell = replace da FPR
Disconnect the vacuum line going to the fuel pressure regulator. Fuel pressure typically jumps to 40 PSI ± 3 PSI (4.9L typically is 15 PSI higher). can get into PSI testing later..
Rich plug = O2 sensor /conn/wiring etc prob (should have a Code in KOER), ECT Sensor prob (code too)
Spark Plug Firing End Analysis, General Source: by gnttype.org @
Over-advanced ignition timing can cause a misfire or buck and **** under load. Pull SPOUT Connector and time it
Adjustment in Ford EFI Engines
Source: by Ryan M (Fireguy50) at