Maybe you have hydraulic lifters. This is a totally different deal.
You have to go in the direction of the firing order and find TDC.
Usually once you find TDC you can turn the crank 1/4 turn at a time for each cyl in the direction of the firing order. Make sure you know the firing order it doesn't go 1,2,3 or down each side of the motor. Once you're on #1 TDC, tighten the nut while twisting the push rod with fingers until you get tension on the rod. Then its about 3/4 turn to set the pre load on the hydraulic lifters. If you go to far or not enough most times its gunna be fine as the hydraulic lifters compensate.
Another time when I got a bad tick, I pulled the valve cover and couldn't tell which one was making th enoise. I was in the woods wheeling so I did the quick check and backed each rocker off one at a time until I could physically hear the tick. Then go to the next until I found it. Re-tighten until the tick goes away + 1/2 turn. Then when you get home do it the right way. Its not easy and does take time.