Hello all.... 86 Full Size, just purchased.. Slightly above average condition.
Definitely a work in progress.
Anyway, I am replacing the (missing) driver's power window switch. The guy that had it before me just ripped the thing out and nothing but wires now. I have been using some deep south engineering and figured out which wires operate which window and direction. I get them moving by touching specific wires together.. Well, I finally got ahold of a switch and went to install it when I realized that Ive got no friggin idea which wire goes where on the switch!!
The switch has 6 prongs, and I have six wires.. Problem is, I feel like that idiot on the Price is Right trying to get all of the prices matched to the right products.. Grrrrrrrr! There is a blue wire, a black wire, a red wire for the drivers side and anther red for passenger side, and 2 yellows (1 psgr, 1 driver). Again, I have figured out what wire does what to the window, BUT cant get anything to work by alternating wires on the switch. Ive been searching the internet for about 4 hours trying to find a wiring diagram of the switch, but no luck. Has ANYONE out there wired one of these up and/or knows where the wires attach or have a link to the exact diagram for these wires to the switch?
I guess the Ford dealer may be my only hope if no one here has the key to unlock this friggin mystery..
It kills me, because Ive replaced the brake booster, ignition, trans filter, frt oil seal, harmonic balancer, fixed the power rear window and repaired a dent on the quarter, but this little square piece of crap has got me on the ropes! Im 1 more blown fuse from going to crank windows!! :blink: :blink:
Definitely a work in progress.
Anyway, I am replacing the (missing) driver's power window switch. The guy that had it before me just ripped the thing out and nothing but wires now. I have been using some deep south engineering and figured out which wires operate which window and direction. I get them moving by touching specific wires together.. Well, I finally got ahold of a switch and went to install it when I realized that Ive got no friggin idea which wire goes where on the switch!!
The switch has 6 prongs, and I have six wires.. Problem is, I feel like that idiot on the Price is Right trying to get all of the prices matched to the right products.. Grrrrrrrr! There is a blue wire, a black wire, a red wire for the drivers side and anther red for passenger side, and 2 yellows (1 psgr, 1 driver). Again, I have figured out what wire does what to the window, BUT cant get anything to work by alternating wires on the switch. Ive been searching the internet for about 4 hours trying to find a wiring diagram of the switch, but no luck. Has ANYONE out there wired one of these up and/or knows where the wires attach or have a link to the exact diagram for these wires to the switch?
I guess the Ford dealer may be my only hope if no one here has the key to unlock this friggin mystery..
It kills me, because Ive replaced the brake booster, ignition, trans filter, frt oil seal, harmonic balancer, fixed the power rear window and repaired a dent on the quarter, but this little square piece of crap has got me on the ropes! Im 1 more blown fuse from going to crank windows!! :blink: :blink: