Mine is doing the same thing, but its like -5 here and I don't work in those conditions, how can i test the pressure of the system?
Pressure test is easy if you have a pressure tester. Its just a pump with a gauge on it that connects were your cap goes. With the vehicle off you pump it up till it reads the spec pressure for your system. Then check for leaks and see if the pressure goes down. If you lose pressure then there is a leak some were. You might be able to get the tester at Auto Zone or some place like that. They might loan them out as a specialty tool. not sure though. Hope to find out since I need to pressure check my system.
Thanks for the help and ideas
Any who as for my Bronco, Here is what I've done so far in order:
1. Checked coolant level and condition. No oil in water or water in oil.
2. Checked fan shroud condition. It was good.
3. Coolant not good mix so I flushed the system and and refilled with proper 50/50 mix
4. Found that the upper and lower hoses were in bad shape while Flushing the system so I changed them.
5. Put on a new radiator cap with O.E. spec for pressure
6. Changed the thermastat with O.E. spec one. (installed rite way)
7. Noticed Fan clutch leaking some fluid. Changed fan clutch.
After I drove it today to see if the fan clutch fixed it, I noticed the top of the radiator was realy really hot. hotter then the upper hose by a lot. Then I noticed when I got home tonight that there was some coolant on the ground but I can't figure out were it is comming from. Doesn't seem to be from any hoses. I'm starting to think the radiator its self might be the issue. I'm going to try and pressure test it tomorrow and find the leak, but I'm thinking it might be comming from the seal were the tank and core mate up. Well its to dark to do much now and I'm to tired. I'll let everyone now what I find out tomorrow. Any one have any more words of advice?