when it warms up-----fell BOTH -water hoses and Both radiator hose--if the water hoses and radiators hoses are about the same tempereture-its surceilaiteing. If one radistor hose is hot and the other is cold---your radiator is stopped up. When it is COLD----look down into the radiator and see if your anti-freeze is clean or dirty.#2check the water pump. After you start it up let it run for a little while and shut it off. Get out and check for leaks coming out the bottom of the water pump. If you see antifreeze--the pump is bad. Also,get hold of the fan and see if you can wiggle it. If it wiggles--the pump is bad.#3--pull the oil dip stick out and look for anti-freeze-if you see any-you may have a bad head gasket or cracked cylinder. If you see no anti-freeze--you should be ok--even though you put in a new thermosta--------you can still get bad ones.---------- You may need to check it again.----Good luck
There is one more possible peoblem, when you said you replaced the thermostat, did you do that because of this over heating problem, or did the overheating happen after you installed the thermostat, If it happened after you installed thermo. than you may have an air lock, easiest way to solve this is to turn your heater on to the max temp. with the heater blower motor on too, now you can do this next part one of two ways, Take the radiator cap off and start the engine and let it run untill it's good and warmed up and you know the thermostat is open (carefully look inside the radiator to confirn that coolant is circulating) and have water or coolent ready, if it is an airlock your rad. may bubble over a bit but if or when it does, keep the coolent level up,, and keep carefully checking that coolent is still circulating when it stops bubbleing over, coolent stops going down and your sure that engine is still at operating temp. then you should be done, the other way is pretty much the same but you would put the radiator cap on half way or to the first click (it's pretty much locked on but not sealed, this lets pressure escape) if this is not the issue then you may have a bad water pump or your coolling system must be clogged somewhere, try havving your radiator boiled-out or>>> rodded-out, this is when a radiator shop takes your radiator apart and shoves a rod through the cooling tubes, another way is to try a good radiator and engine block cleaner that will break the rust and corrosion loose from inside your block, radiator and heater core, but if you coolent isn't circulating than it may not work, the "air-lock" and "radiator and block cleaner" are what I'd try first then have radiator boiled or rodded out then water pump.
Hope this was helpfull, if not then you at least had something to raed for a few minutes....
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