Has this just started since you put on the 33s, or have you had the 33s on and been running with them and now the problem started.
I have heard alot of guys on here run 33s without problems. Personally I have 31s with no OD problems, but under a load, the engine is happier with the OD off.
here's an idea. The secondary part of the ignition system, (plugs, wires,cap, rotor, coil) is fickle. It can be sufficent for igniting fuel under normal load.
If there should be a weak point in a wire, or plug or such, it will show up under heavier load.
Try applying power while in gear but the brakes on, (old school... we called it power braking) this simulates a heavy load on the engine, and can make week points in the secondary show up, as the engine will start to miss and bog.
If that happens, replace the correct part and drive.
If not guess you have to look at the gearing. Someone posted a table on here for the proper gear for your tire size.
If someone knows where to find it please help me out.
Good Luck