Get rid of those leaky noisy wind wings and upgrade to one piece side glass.
Window Conversion Kit for: 1968 – 1977 ford Broncos. The kit will come complete with all necessary components
for removing the wind wing and replacing with a one piece side glass window. Kit includes front window support, clear tempered
side glass, regulators, felt channels, inside felt weatherstrip, outside felt scraper and all the brackets, mounting hardware and
complete detailed instructions. Only $649.99
Works with all bolt on of weld on window frames. Will not fit 66 & 67 due to interior door handle interference.
Visit for more information.
Installation instructions available on website.

Window Conversion Kit for: 1968 – 1977 ford Broncos. The kit will come complete with all necessary components
for removing the wind wing and replacing with a one piece side glass window. Kit includes front window support, clear tempered
side glass, regulators, felt channels, inside felt weatherstrip, outside felt scraper and all the brackets, mounting hardware and
complete detailed instructions. Only $649.99
Works with all bolt on of weld on window frames. Will not fit 66 & 67 due to interior door handle interference.
Visit for more information.
Installation instructions available on website.