Welcome to the zone
Sounds like a good chance to get a bronco for less than it's realy worth. Since it won't start right now, I'd buy it as is and fix it after

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> . If I understand you correctly, you jumpered the solinoid contacts, right? If so, and nothing happened, there aren't to many things it could be;
Bad battery
Bad starter
Bad connections
at battery, at starter, ground connection from battery to engine
I left out solinoid since you seem to have eliminated by jumping the large solinoid posts. However, you could also check the solinoid operation by jumping one of the small posts to battery + providing the battery is good.
As far as Chiltons, Haynes or other; In order of my preference is;
A real shop manual
Haynes and chiltons are a readers digest version of a real shop manual.
attached is a diagram, but don't take it totally to heart as it is for a Druaspark II system but the start part is most likely still the same in an 89. You will note a neutral switch that can be a problem if the key doesn't cause the solinoid to operate but jumpering the small post does.
Good luck,
