Need some instruction on how to operate my newly aquired 4x4. It's a 94 XLT 5.0. I don't have an owners manual and really don't know where to begin.
p.s Sorry if I posted in the wrong area earlier
Well, I'll take a stab at it but if I'm off the mark just let us know & tell us specifically what you're stuck on or wanting to know.
If you're wanting to use the 4x4 then probably the best way (understand this is just general info, some types are a bit different but what I'm saying should work for any of the 4x4 systems Ford installed, some work better on-the-fly than others so I'm just suggesting what should work with whatever you have) is to just pull over, shift into neutral, engage your hubs (ignore this step if you have automatic hubs), then either push your 4x4 button or (for pushbutton systems) or shift the transfer case lever into 4HI (for manual shift systems) then shift the transmission back into Drive and be on your merry way. You can usually confirm that you're in 4WD by taking a reasonably tight turn on a piece of dry pavement. If you experience a sort of "rocking" motion from the front end then yup, you're in 4WD. With automatic hubs you usually have to drive forward a few (20 or so) feet before the hubs will rotate & engage but if they're manuals then they're engaged as soon as you twist them into the "engaged" position. You can also confirm you're in 4WD by grabbing a buddy with nothing better to do and having him squat outside the truck while you slowly drive forward and have him look to see if the front driveshaft is turning.
Most of the systems will allow you to shift into 4WD on-the-fly as long as you're traveling at a slow speed (15mph or slower)
For the most part 4HI is what you'll want to be using. You can shift into & use 4LO but you shouldn't need it nearly as often, especially on the streets & in poor-weather conditions. 4LO is good on trails and in deep mud but doesn't see a lot of use on the street. Having said that, go ahead and try it out just to exercise the mechanism (trucks that never get shifted into 4LO sometimes have trouble getting there so it's good to shift it there a couple times a year just to keep things from freezing up & binding when you DO want to use it)
As I stated, this is just a shot in the dark so let us know if it's on the mark or what else you're looking for if I've missed it.