If your mechanically inclined at all I would quit messing with it if it has blown chunks your going to do more damage than may have already occured . Asuming you have a borg and warner 1354 beings its an 84 ( have seen new proces 203 and 208,s in those years as well that being the case I cant help you I only use the borg warner,s ) If you feel it click into 2 Hi and 4 Hi but it doenst move there is a very good chance the oil pump has failed breaking the shift fork although normally the 4 Lo fork is the victim but being there seperate forks it would explain no Hi gears and only the 4 Lo . Now back to being mechanically inclined for like $2.50 you can buy a tube of black silicone to seal the case back up afterward . Thats way cheaper than a shop will charge you to inspect one . Theres the 2 drive shafts one really big bolt that holds the shifter on the side and like 6 or 7 bolts around the front where it meets the tranny and the T case will be off . If its sitting on 44,s then it will be really easy . If you look around here you will see where I had alot of pics on a 1356 rebuild from a similar failure the internals are close but the shifter detent in a 1354 is a real pain but youll see how it works . really the only thing you really need is a big socket for the yoke nut and a very good pair of snapring pliars . If you have any questions I can help you I have one in my spare parts . Was going to use it in my 91 but it had a BW 1356 and the rear output is a ****** instead of a yoke and the 1354 output is a yoke and ofcoarse ford changed it by 1 yes 1 spline so there not interchangable thats why I started rebuilding them when a local shop wanted $400 to tear it down and inspect

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