New member

My name is Smartcarkiller I live in Oklahoma and drive a '95 XLT. I like to call it my Frankenstein, because the guy that owned it before me built it and he used parts from 3 or 4 different trucks. Kinda threw me off when I had to replace the tie rod end a couple of months ago, I got the wrong part because no one told me that he used the front end off from a '89 250. I decided to use this violent name because: my '95 has a 10" lift with 37.5's and sometimes when I roll over a bump I have to look in my rear view mirror to make sure that I didn't run over a smart car. Okay, I guess I'm being a little paranoid and/or weird, kinda like the Robin Williams character in the movie, "Fatherhood.", when he kept thinking that he kept running over people. LOL!
About me I'm 44, raised in Oklahoma. Retied from security and a former Grand Canyon cook. I like to garden, bow hunt and fish, and I'm a (unpublished) poet. I've been married for almost 16 years, have 7 step children 1 bio and 7 grand kids. I came to this site looking for advice on a antifreeze leak. I didn't know weather it was my heater core since the leak was not in the cab. I found the info that I needed right off the bat and since I'm sure everybody here either owns or has owned a Bronco it would be a good site to be a member.
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