Let's see... I bought each of the next four Fords new
1988 Ford Aerostar put 100,000 miles on it, the trans went before the ignition system.
A 98 winstar with 122,000 miles on it, I guess it is due for a tuneup.
A 99 crown vic with 144,000 miles on it, (it has had three coils replaced. It has eight of them, one for each cylinder). none of them went until about 90K.
1999 ford V10 motor home 22K on it.
We leased a 1995 Taurus and put about 36,000 on it.
We had a '96 Bronco that started with 80K on it when we got it and had 120K went it hit a tree. We hadn't done anything to the ignition system.
We now have a '90 bronc with 124,000 miles on it, we put about 40K on it, we replaced the ignition module, and map sensor (which is not technically a part of the ignition system.)
In total we put on almost a half a MILLION miles on Ford ignition systems and only had to change One Ignition module, and three coils (all after they ahd more than 90K on them).
I'd say that I am one satisfied customer!