got an 8 bronco LOVE it .. lovingly call it the Bumble (after the Rudolf's happy new year) problem, ran great then pfft. died on the freeway, wouldn't start.. have replaced timing chain, distributor, cap, rotor, various sensors and the egr valve, along with waterpump while I was at it, was running great. then night before last I was driving home and it started to "miss" just a lil bit thought I was low on fuel (fuel gauge is ****) came home from work and parked it.. went out to start it and warm it up the next day and blamo, started idled for a bit then died. thought I was completely out of gas, put 10 gallons in and I thought viola its fixed, went up and filled the tank. tried to start it this morning same thing. help. this is my only vehicle and the wife is getting pissy about me having to use her lil car for work.