This one I know. (I think.)
Had the same thing on my '87 BII 2.9L. As soon as it would warm up, this "cycling behavior" would start. Feels like gas is being slowly cut off, then it comes back on. The engine would cycle like this from about once per minute, to several times per minute (mine got worse with time). And when it would "flutter" (mine was more like a sputter), it would catch again when I de pressed down on the gas pedal. This sputtering pattern was worse under cruising and low load conditions, and would go away only when I was accelerating hard. Gas mileage eventually dropped to about 8 mpg, and it would not pass the MD state emissions inspection.
And there was NO indicated engine code problem!
So . . . I changed my:
- spark plugs
- distributor cap/rotor
- wires
- fuel filter
- fuel pressure regulator
- distributor
- etc. etc. etc.
Drove me crazy.
Then one day I disconnected the O2 sensor. Not replaced it, not removed it - just pulled the connector off. (On my vehicle, it's located on the exhaust pipe on the passenger side, close to where the exhaust pipes from both sides of the engine join together.)
End of problem.
And the vehicle passed the state inspection with flying colors.
And gas mileage instantly increased to about 15 MPG.
Sometime in the future, I'll install a new O2 sensor, but the engine runs very well now.
Good Luck!