DTC 21 ECT out of self test range 0.3 to 3.7 volts; "... ECT is bad, ***engine not warmed up***, bad thermostat, low coolant..***Coolant is less than 50 deg F for KOEO, or less than 180 deg F for KOER, or greater than 250 deg F for either.*** If coolant temp is in proper range, suspect ECT sensor or it's connector/wiring..."
Testing; "..."But due to its simplicity of design, the ECT is rarely at fault when problems occur. Before testing the ECT or any other EFI component perform a self-test, trouble codes received during test can be used as a diagnostic tool along with other indicators. To test an ECT sensor you will need a volt meter. You can test the ECT by back probing the harness while reading the voltage returning to the EEC. Or you can removing the connector completely and test the resistance between the 2 pins on the ECT..." READ MORE Source: by Ryan M (Fireguy50)
DTC 22 indicates the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor is out of Self-Test range. Correct MAP range of measurement is typically from 1.4 to 1.6 volts. Possible causes:
MAP circuit open between sensor vehicle harness connector and PCM.
MAP circuit shorted to VREF, SIG RTN, or GND.
Damaged MAP sensor.
Vacuum trapped at MAP sensor.
High atmospheric pressure.
Damaged PCM.
VREF circuit open at MAP/BARO sensor.
SIG RTN circuit open at MAP/BARO sensor.
DTC 34- EGR voltage above closed limit - Failed sensor, carbon between EGR pintle valve and seat holding the valve off its seat. Remove the EGR valve and clean it with carbon remover. Prior to re-installing see if you can blow air through the ****** side of the EGR by mouth. the egr is not closing properly which can cause detonation. remove the egr and clean off any carbon built up on it with carb cleaner and a brush if necessary.
Testing... "...EVR Testing: vacuum should vent from the green line on a good valve NOT energized. When energized, vacuum should hold from the black to the green. Resistance across the terminals should be 20-70 ohms..."
DTC 31, 32. 33. 34. 35. 38 or 84 - EGR Valve Position (EVP) Sensor & EGR Vacuum Regulator Solenoid (EVR) Testing
Source: by Dustin S (Dustball, Mellow Yellow, Mr. Laser Boy) at
DTC 42 O2 sensor voltage was stuck high for too long. (Rich).; "...Bad O2, or it's connector/wiring bad MAP sensor, Bad fuel pressure regulator, pull vac hose off, any gas in it or gas aroma means it's bad; Leaking injectors,restriction in fuel return line,or exhaust leak or clogged exhaust, lowering vacuum..." 42, Check for proper HEGO Ground; in Catalytic Converter Diagnosis TSB 91-12-11 for 86-91 Bronco, F Series, & Econoline
by Ford
the following areas may be at fault:
* Ignition Coil
* Distributor Cap
* Distributor Rotor
* Fouled Spark Plug
* Spark Plug Wires
* Air Filter
* Stuck Open Injector
* Fuel Contamination Engine OIL
* Manifold Leaks Intake/Exhaust
* Fuel Pressure
* Poor Power Ground;
Source: by miesk5
DTC 77 system failed to recognize brief WOT dynamic resistance test. Need to press gas pedal during KOER; Operator didn't execute WOT when told to during self test.
TPS, MAP and KS sensors are exercised during the brief Wide-Open Throttle (WOT) performed during the Engine Running Self-Test. The signal for the operator to perform the brief WOT is a single pulse or 10 code on the STAR Tester.
If you have a TPS, MAP or KS code in KOEO; troubleshoot those and repair until Code(s) is gone in KOEO; then try KOER and WOT (dynamic response check).