Well, judging by the specs you'll be "fine" and by fine I mean it MIGHT run. If you put a computer in it that's programed for that then it's fine, if not, you'll have a hard time getting your engine to stay running. As for most of the cam, I run close to the same thing only my cam is a 260-270 duration but everything else is the same. The best lobe sep you can get for your truck would be 114* and if you stear to far from that then you get into running issues. With the duration of this cam your vacuum would be little and you'll notice it most in the idling and brakes. Also, like Broncobill said, if it's a $10 cam, I would be VERRY CAUTIOS of it. Cam's are like anything else you get, you get what you pay for. Also, I believe your current motor is a "roller" motor which means you'll have to get lifters and pushrods. Oh, also, with the stock springs on your heads, don't run 1.7 rockers because they'll bottom out your springs and you'll break things.