i have recently rebuilt my c6 and had it professoinally installed with new gaskets but it seems to be leaking from behind the plate that covers the flywheel/torque converter access area(not the front gasket, below that). there is not supposed to be a gasket there to the best of my knowledge. what should i look into? i am out of ideas and i do not want to lose any pressure on a new transmission.
yo ILL!
Look here, by Steve
Can you pin-point the area with Steve's parts diagram & Hydraulic Schematic?
EDIT: Pull TC cover & look for any leaks at the studs, seams and around pilot hub.
& one by yooman; "...clean the trans real well, have someone put the fluid in while your underneither watching for the leak, if it comes out of the bellhousing its front seal, if back then rear seal, if top then over full check dip stick.." - it could run down and around to where you see it at TC cover
and another by a pal; "... the pump seal it shouldn't matter whether its running or not. and it should leak worse when running, cause of the **** oil flowing around the converter snout. the vent on the c6 is on top of the case and will run all around the bell..."