Just a little story of my personal experience with this. In my case, when I first bought an 83 Bronco (the love of my life) this problem almost drove me nuts. I'd be driving along and it was as if my "Back Seat Driver" reached over my sholder and shut the key off. Of course, every time it happened I was in the middle of nowhere. The first time it left me setting in a Home Depot parking lot,15 miles from home, waiting for my mechanic and by the time he got there it started right up (as all good trucks do when a mechanic shows up). Then it left me on the side of the road, but this time I was not going to be fooled. So I had it towed to the mechanics garage. Again it wouldn't fail for him, so after a couple of days and not being sure of what to replace, he sent me home with it. He did mention the pickup before sending me on my way. 10 miles later and 3 blocks from home guess what? You got it, the "Back Seat driver" struck again. I went through the whole ignition and nothing fixed it. I did however neglect to check the pickup. Finally I got an EVTM (Electrical and Vacuum Troubleshooting Manual). Made a simple piece of test equipment shown in the manual. Ran the engine untill it cut out in the driveway, and using the instructions in that manual I isolated the problem to the pickup. Replaced the pickup and never had a problem with it again.
Moral of the story, "Find a real mechanic you can build a relationship with and pay attention to what he/she says. If you are going to work on your own truck, buy the manuals".